Clan Carid

Clan Carid was a Mandalorian clan living on the planet Mandalore during the time of the Second Galactic Civil War. Mandalorian soldier and mercenary Baltan Carid was a leader of the clan, and represented Clan Carid during a meeting of the Mandalorian clans with reigning Mand'alor Boba Fett at MandalMotors Hall in 40 ABY. When Fett called for two million Mandalorians living offworld to return to their cultural homeworld—part of initiative to boost the planet's population in the wake of the devastation incured upon Mandalore during the war with the extra-galactic Yuuzhan Vong—Baltan offered his clan's services in ensuring that the unused farmland that had been left behind after the former owners had perished would be given to any new arrivals who claimed interest in farming it. By early 41 ABY, Mandalorians from across the galaxy were returning to Mandalore, and Clan Carid lived up to Baltan's vow, ensuring that the fallow land was given to new owners to revitalize.






