Circlet of Saresh

When Cere Junda was still a teenage girl and the Padawan of Jedi Master Eno Cordova, the Circlet of Saresh was the Jedi artifact she felt the most connected to. After Junda saw the Archives burn when she fled from the purge of the Jedi Order under Order 66, which was issued in 19 BBY. Several years later, between 12 BBY and 11 BBY, she learned from a black-market art dealer on that a crown people seemed inexplicably drawn to was currently owned by someone on the planet Murkhana. She suspected it was the Circlet of Saresh.

After Junda collected the circlet and showed it to Jedi Knight Cal Kestis, he was puzzled about what the purpose was; he studied its shape and could feel its power, but it did not seem like a weapon or another item he could throw like a magic boomerang.

In the Star Wars canon continuity, the Circlet of Saresh first appeared in the 2023 novel Jedi: Battle Scars, a novel written by Sam Maggs and a tie-in to the Star Wars Jedi video games. The item originated in Star Wars Legends as the equippable Circlet of Saresh headband in the BioWare video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Maggs' briefly worked as a writer for the remake of that game and her first job in video games was at BioWare, so she decided to include the Circlet of Saresh as a way to connect the old Star Wars video games with the new.

Behind the scenes

The Legends version of the Circlet of Saresh

The Legends version of the Circlet of Saresh

In the Star Wars canon continuity, the Circlet of Saresh first appeared in the 2023 novel Jedi: Battle Scars, a novel written by Sam Maggs and a tie-in to the Star Wars Jedi video games. The item originated in Star Wars Legends as the equippable Circlet of Saresh headband in the BioWare video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Maggs' briefly worked as a writer for the remake of that game and her first job in video games was at BioWare, so she decided to include the Circlet of Saresh as a way to connect the old Star Wars video games with the new.






