Chop'aa Notimo's Basilisk war droid

At some point before 2 BBY, Chop'aa Notimo came into possession of the droid. During his duel with Galen Marek on Cloud City, Notimo summoned the droid to assist him against the Sith apprentice and mounted it. Despite its firepower, Starkiller gained the upper hand, crushing the droid using the Force before throwing it against a wall. Notimo survived the droid's destruction, but was slain shortly afterward by Marek.


At some point before 2 BBY, Chop'aa Notimo came into possession of the droid. During his duel with Galen Marek on Cloud City, Notimo summoned the droid to assist him against the Sith apprentice and mounted it. Despite its firepower, Starkiller gained the upper hand, crushing the droid using the Force before throwing it against a wall. Notimo survived the droid's destruction, but was slain shortly afterward by Marek.



