Chibias concert hall

Shortly after the Battle of Endor, the Director of Offworld Special Events Litassa Colay organized a concert of the famous Coruscant Full Symphony there.

During the concert, Emperor's Hand Mara Jade stole her ID datacard. She used her name as an alias to rescue Zakarisz Ghent who had been arrested by two security officers, Jayx and Tomin, following the orders of Counselor Raines.


Shortly after the Battle of Endor, the Director of Offworld Special Events Litassa Colay organized a concert of the famous Coruscant Full Symphony there.

During the concert, Emperor's Hand Mara Jade stole her ID datacard. She used her name as an alias to rescue Zakarisz Ghent who had been arrested by two security officers, Jayx and Tomin, following the orders of Counselor Raines.



