Cham Cham

A group of Jedi came to the planet's rescue after the Nihil marauders launched an attack. During the attack, Jedi Master Yoda brought Cham Cham onboard a Nihil cruiser to save Mrala's friend. When Kamerat refused to join them and altered the Nihil to their location, Yoda tried to tell Cham Cham to be quiet. But Cham Cham did not cooperate and attacked a Nihil member, eating their arm. He then fell asleep after the meal and returned with Yoda to Mrala.

Shortly after, Talisola and other Padawans searched for Mrala, who had left the space station to find Kamerat. They realized that she had not permanently left because she left Cham Cham behind. Cham Cham jumped on the head of Padawan Qort and refused. He joined the young Padawans as they crammed into a Jedi Vector to go off and locate Mrala.

Nihil attack

Cham Cham with a young Mrala

Cham Cham with a young Mrala

Cham Cham was the cru pet to the Force-sensitive Zeen Mrala, who she had kept from an early age. Mrala's parents had left her when she was young, so she relied on Cham Cham and her friend Krix Kamerat to look out for her.

During the High Republic Era, Cham Cham resided on the planet Trymant IV with Mrala and Kamerat. Cham Cham was with Mrala and Kamerat when they were evacuating during a cataclysm from the Great Hyperspace Disaster. She carried Cham Cham as they ran from a Nihil Spider Cruiser. She then quickly hid with Cham Cham from Nihil marauders. Cham Cham then accompanied his owner as they attempted to stop the Nihil attack with the help of Jedi Padawans.

Helping the Jedi

Yoda and Cham Cham discover an artifact.

Yoda and Cham Cham discover an artifact.

As the battle raged between the Nihil and the Jedi, Jedi Master Yoda asked Mrala to allow him to borrow Cham Cham to sneak onto the Nihil cruiser and rescue Kamerat. Cham Cham looked back on his owner with worrying eyes as Yoda took him along for the adventure.

Yoda and Cham Cham snuck past the leader of the Nihil, Marchion Ro and aboard the Spider Cruiser. They surprised Kamerat, and handed him a holoprojector to use to track him. Kamerat was also surprised to see Cham Cham with Yoda but saw it as proof that Mrala had lied to him. He then called out to everyone on board that he had found Yoda, so the Jedi master took off with Cham Cham. As they hid behind crates, Yoda opened up a case with an artifact owned by Ro. As Nihil personnel approached them, Cham Cham attacked a Nihil and bit off their fingers and arm.

Yoda and Cham Cham managed to escape from the Nihil ship as the Jedi won the battle. Cham Cham was sleeping when Yoda returned him to Mrala, who was shocked that he ate part of a Nihil. Cham Cham continued to rest as Mrala joined the rest of the Jedi on the Starlight Beacon.

On Starlight Beacon

Cham Cham playing with the young Jedi

Cham Cham playing with the young Jedi

A week later, Cham Cham rested with Mrala as she viewed a message from Kamerat, who was still very angry with her. During their stay, Cham Cham played with the Jedi younglings, who were very excited to see him fly.

One day, Padawan Lula Talisola visited Mrala and snuggled Cham Cham. She alerted Mrala to the arrival of the Jedi Masters, who wanted to discuss her future. As the masters talked to Mrala, Cham Cham continued to play with the Younglings.

Joining the Jedi rescue

Cham Cham jumped on Qort's head.

Cham Cham jumped on Qort's head.

After Kamerat contacted Mrala, while the Jedi were trying to find the Nihils, telling her that he wanted to meet her, Mrala left the Jedi outpost to see Kamerat leaving Cham Cham behind. As Lula and the Jedi Padawans came into Mrala's room, they noticed that she was gone and started examining her room, finding a holoprojector with a message on it. The message explained that Mrala was gone to save her friend but that she would come back. They didn't believe she would be gone forever, even because she left Cham Cham behind. The cru then leaped up and jumped on Padawan Qort's head. Qort tried to move Cham Cham off his head but to no avail. As the Padawans prepared to leave and help Mrala, Cham Cham squeezed in with them as they all crammed into the last remaining Jedi Vector and took off.

After the Jedi fought against the Nihils and returned from Quantxi with Mrala, she was reunited with Cham Cham. Cham Cham was in her arms when the Jedi asked her again if she wished to remain at the Starlight Beacon.

Personality and traits

Cham Cham was a male cru with brown skin and black eyes. He had large sharp teeth and a diet that consisted of meat. Cham Cham had large wings on both sides of his torso with a large claw located on each wing. He had black stripes going from his forehead and down to his back. The cru also possessed a long tail with a claw at the end.

Cham Cham was very loyal to his owner, Mrala and jouryned with her everywhere. He would protect her and comfort her. But Cham Cham would sometimes not listen to directions and go his own way.

Skills and abilities

Cham Cham attacking members of the Nihil

Cham Cham attacking members of the Nihil

Cham Cham had to ability to fly because of his long wings. Although he could crawl, he more often was seen flying in order to keep up with his fellow counterparts. Mrala speculated if Cham Cham was force-sensitive like she was, but could not come to a definitive conclusion. Cham Cham also possessed a furious bite which he demonstrated when he ate the arm of a Nihil marauder.

Behind the scenes

Cham Cham first appeared in the first issue of the Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures comic book series. The issue was written by Daniel José Older and illustrated by Rebecca Nalty. The comic was published on February 3, 2021.




















































