Ch'ord Sy'fon

Ch'ord Sy'fon was a brown-skinned Bothan male with light brown hair and black eyes who wore a light brown tunic with a collar. Around 19 BBY, he encountered the former Human Senate Guard Sagoro Autem, who considered Sy'fon a friend, in a cantina on the planet Coruscant.

While the Bothan spoke with a group of aliens, Autem approached him, asking for passage off-world as a favor Sy'fon owed him. The Bothan then granted the Human passage aboard the AA-9 Coruscant freighter Scimitar of Kelso to the planet Nar Shaddaa, and Autem departed.

Minutes before the Scimitar of Kelsa left, Sy'fon met with the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Vader, and told him that Autem would be trying to leave aboard the freighter soon. However, before the Sith could capture the Human, Autem sneaked aboard the freighter his "friend" had provided him and escaped.

Ch'ord Sy'fon appeared in the Dark Horse comic book Republic 78, the seventy–eight issue in the Star Wars: Republic comic series, which released on October 19, 2005. The issue was written by John Ostrander, and the artwork was penciled by Luke Ross.

Behind the scenes

Ch'ord Sy'fon appeared in the Dark Horse comic book Republic 78, the seventy–eight issue in the Star Wars: Republic comic series, which released on October 19, 2005. The issue was written by John Ostrander, and the artwork was penciled by Luke Ross.



