
Cenevax was a Jenet female crime lord who ran a syndicate on the planet Coruscant and had spies in many places. After she learned that the Jedi Arath Tarrex, indebted to the Jenet, was secretly the child of Jedi Master Yula Braylon, Cenevax blackmailed Braylon into ignoring her crimes.

Around 58 BBY, during the forty-eighth annual Dragonfire Air Rally, Cenevax made a deal with the Serennian racer Ramil in which he would purposefully lose so Cenevax's gambling ring could earn money from those who bet on his victory. When Ramil broke the deal, Cenevax sabotaged his airspeeder. The corrupt Coruscant Security Force inspector Sartori attempted to cover up the sabotage for Cenevax, but the Jedi Master Dooku and his Padawan, Qui-Gon Jinn, followed the inspector to the Jenet's den. After capturing the crime lord, the Jedi uncovered the truth about Tarrex's parentage, and Cenevax was sent to the Citadel prison.

The schemes of Cenevax

Cenevax operated on the planet Coruscant.

Cenevax operated on the planet Coruscant.

The Jenet female Cenevax was a crime lord who lived during the Republic Era. She led a syndicate—an unlicensed gambling ring—from her den, located in the Hythan Quarter of the planet Coruscant, collecting many treasures that she kept in her hoard. Cenevax had many spies and contacts, including officials of the Galactic Republic, and also commanded a number of Trandoshans. Sometime after 68 BBY, the Jedi Arath Tarrex became indebted to Cenevax from the game batana. Although Cenevax threatened Tarrex, she learned through his attempts to talk his way out of it that he was the child of Jedi Master Yula Braylon, a member of the Jedi High Council. Cenevax used that information to blackmail Braylon, who looked the other way on behalf of the crime lord for years.

In around 58 BBY, Cenevax orchestrated a scheme involving the forty-eighth annual Dragonfire Air Rally, an airspeeder race hosted on Coruscant. The Jenet paid the Serennian racer Ramil, expected by many to win the race, to lose, thus profiting from the bets placed on him. As insurance, however, Cenevax placed a detonator in his speeder's fuel tank. In order to cover up her crimes, she paid the Coruscant Security Force inspector Sartori and dispatched a gang of her Trandoshans.

Cenevax discovered

During the Dragonfire Air Rally, Ramil initially allowed himself to be overtaken, but eventually went back on his deal with Cenevax, intending to win the race. Cenevax's detonator went off, causing Ramil's speeder to crash, and Sartori allowed Cenevax's Trandoshans to retrieve the speeder from his precinct house. The Jedi Master Dooku—Ramil's brother—and his Padawan, Qui-Gon Jinn, having witnessed the incident, investigated, despite being ordered not to by Braylon. The two Jedi learned of Cenevax's plan, following Sartori to the Jenet's lair after Dooku intimidated the inspector.

Dooku (left) and Qui-Gon Jinn (right) confronted Cenevax in her lair.

Dooku (left) and Qui-Gon Jinn (right) confronted Cenevax in her lair.

After Sartori contacted Cenevax's subordinate Bagara and demanded to see her, the Jenet met the inspector in her den. However, Cenevax was unconcerned with Sartori's worries regarding the Jedi, reminding him of his promise to keep trouble away from her. When Sartori demanded that Cenevax cleaned up her mess, she picked up a trinket box from her hoard and beckoned the confused inspector over to see it. Cenevax proceeded to strike Sartori with the box and then chastised the inspector for getting blood on it, subsequently hitting him several more times. The Jenet—having realized the Jedi had followed Sartori to her lair—scolded the inspector for leading the Jedi to her as her Trandoshans surrounded Dooku and Jinn.

Cenevax called out to the Jedi, telling them that hiding was useless. Jinn accused Cenevax of murdering Sartori, though the Jenet revealed that the inspector still lived by kicking him. She seized the Jedi's lightsabers, considering to add the crystals within to her collection. Cenevax was undeterred by Dooku's confidence in her defeat, claiming she would make him disappear and revealing that she knew of his relation to Ramil. When Cenevax disclosed that she was aware that Dooku had been ordered not to intervene, the Jedi Master deduced she had a contact on the Council.

Cenevax and the Council

Dooku called down the convor Calleen, startling Cenevax. The Jedi summoned their weapons and cut down the Trandoshans while Cenevax was distracted, although the Jenet bit into and killed the bird. Cenevax attempted to escape, but Dooku used the Force to drag her back. As Cenevax clawed at her treasure, Dooku demanded to know the identity of her Jedi contact. To intimidate the Jenet, Dooku threatened to suffocate her in her own hoard, but Cenevax claimed that it would not be in his nature as a Jedi. Although Dooku began to press her into her treasure, he ultimately relented, instead apprehending Cenevax and taking her to the Jedi Temple.

The Jedi imprisoned Cenevax in the Citadel.

The Jedi imprisoned Cenevax in the Citadel.

After Dooku confronted the Council, he had Temple Guards bring Cenevax into the chamber. Dooku stated his accusations against Cenevax, which the Jenet claimed he could not prove. Although Cenevax refused to disclose who her contact was, Dooku was able to sense Braylon's guilt, determining she was the traitor. When confronted, Braylon admitted to overlooking Cenevax's activities and confessed to being Tarrex's mother. Braylon and Tarrex were both punished, while Cenevax was sent to the Citadel prison on Lola Sayu.

After learning of Cenevax's intended fate from Grand Master Yoda, Dooku bitterly realized that the Jedi were not going to the authorities over the matter. As a result of his injuries sustained due to Cenevax's sabotage, Ramil had to wear an exosuit. In 42 BBY, when Dooku was taken captive by his brother, who had since become Count of the planet Serenno and orchestrated its invasion by mercenaries, the Jedi Master remarked on the condition that Cenevax had left Ramil in.

Personality and traits

Though the ratlike Cenevax was skittish, she was also deadly. While in her lair, Cenevax scurried around her hoard with quick movements, picking up and then discarding various trinkets. She was unbothered by Sartori's concerns over the Jedi, quickly becoming irate and reminding the inspector of his task. Cenevax struck Sartori with one of her own trinkets in anger, claiming that he had ruined her. Despite being threatened by Dooku, Cenevax was confident he would not harm her, believing the Jedi were weak in nature. A Trandoshan who worked for Cenevax claimed that she would kill him if he revealed the identity of his master.

Behind the scenes

Cenevax appeared in the audio drama Dooku: Jedi Lost, written by Cavan Scott and published on April 30, 2019. The spelling of her name was provided by the audio drama's script, published on October 1 of that year.






