
When Cel was ten, Coruscant was besieged by Grand Admiral Thrawn.

In 28 ABY, she served as a communications officer in the fleet of the Galactic Alliance and was stationed on the Mon Mothma, under the command of General Wedge Antilles during the Yuuzhan Vong War. She participated in the Battle of Duro in the Bilbringi system and always informed Antilles about the progress of the battle.

A year later, she assisted Wedge in the Battle of Corulag and announced that the holo-connections to Governor and Admiral Traest Kre'fey were received by new orders.


When Cel was ten, Coruscant was besieged by Grand Admiral Thrawn.

In 28 ABY, she served as a communications officer in the fleet of the Galactic Alliance and was stationed on the Mon Mothma, under the command of General Wedge Antilles during the Yuuzhan Vong War. She participated in the Battle of Duro in the Bilbringi system and always informed Antilles about the progress of the battle.

A year later, she assisted Wedge in the Battle of Corulag and announced that the holo-connections to Governor and Admiral Traest Kre'fey were received by new orders.






