Carise Sindian's chief of staff

A male aide served as the Chief of Staff to Centrist senator Lady Carise Sindian during her tenure as representative of Arkanis. An admirer of the Galactic Empire and certain elements of its past regime, the aide had a distinct admiration for the Imperial Military's unofficial Commander-in-Chief Darth Vader and the loyalty that the Sith Lord demonstrated towards Emperor Sheev Palpatine, which they expressed to other senators of a similar pro-Imperial view during a reception hosted by Sindian's political ally and fellow Centrist Ransolm Casterfo, praising how the late Dark Lord of the Sith had demonstrated unbreakable obedience towards the Emperor, yet also had the power and authority of command. The Chief of Staff's laudations towards Vader were indeed so great that they compared his power to that of a second Imperial ruler whilst simultaneously bemoaning how the New Republic now lacked an individual of such natural leadership to govern them. This comment secretly disgusted Senator Casterfo, who was appalled to this that anyone, let alone his own political allies and their retainers, could attribute the crimes that Vader had committed to being deeds worthy of praise.






