Cantonican golden silk

Cantonican golden silk, also known as Cantonican gold silk, was a type of silk woven into a brocade and was the color of gold. The silk originated from the Outer Rim desert planet Cantonica. It was used in the cape of former outlaw, Lando Calrissian. When an old acquaintance of Lando's, Clariah sat down to talk to him, she tried to enlist his help to stop her son's recent bad behavior, she offered to return his cape that he dearly missed. Lando became very excited and shouted out the names of various materials in his cape, including the Cantonican golden silk. He then agreed to help end her son's bad ways.

Behind the scenes

Cantonican gold silk appeared in the story, Tales from Wild Space: Family Affair, Part 1 which was part of the tenth issue of the Star Wars Adventures anthology comic book series. The story was written by Pierrick Colinet and Elsa Charretier, who also served as the colorist. The story published with the rest of the comic issue on May 9, 2018.


  • Star Wars: The High Republic Character Encyclopedia






