Candice Ondi

Captain Candice Ondi was a Human female colonist from Sulon who joined the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War, serving as an informations officer.


In 1 BBY, Candice Ondi was a member of Alliance Intelligence responsible for making anti-Imperial propaganda news reports. Katarn and Ondi felt an attraction toward each other.

She was the original owner of the modified protocol droid A-Cee, and herself was equipped with a holocam.

During the Subjugation of Sulon, she received Morgan's footage from his electrobinoculars documenting the assault of commandoes at his farm. Expecting at the G-Tap, she went there with A-Cee preparing to document everything that would happen, and were joined by Morgan and other Rebels. Candice could see through Morgan's feigned optimism and they exchanged pleasantries, wishing the best for both.

Morgan and Candice fought together. They witnessed the deaths of Jen and Trol, and Morgan ordered her and other survivors to retreat to the caves, but not before asking from her the services of A-Cee. As they retreated, Morgan narrated to the droid the events that transpired before the assault and covered the droid's departure.

It was the last time they saw each other, as Morgan retreated while she was covering the story; Candice was mortally wounded when the second AT-ST arraved, and A-Cee ran towards her. She attempted to say a final word, and died in his arms.

Personality and traits

At the time of her death, Candice Ondi was middle-aged. She had brown hair and large greenish-brown eyes that Kyle Katarn thought showed her intelligence. He regarded Ondi as pleasant-looking and his father found her physically attractive. The way she removed a piece of lint from Morgan Katarn's shoulder seemed to him like a personal gesture that reminded him of his dead wife.


During business, Ondi wore the makeshift Rebel "uniform" of gray coveralls.

Behind the scenes

The narration of the Dark Forces: Soldier for the Empire gives a tense last meeting between Morgan Katarn and Candice, shortly before the Imperial assault, stating that they never saw each other again, as they both died in that fight. The audio drama however shows that they fought together, until Morgan ordered her to lead others to the caves.


  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia






