CSA–Trianii War

The CSA-Trianii War was a major border war between the Corporate Sector Authority and Trianii Colonies, that started in 2 BBY and went on for at least another three years, until 1 ABY.


The Corporate Sector Authority (CSA) claimed a chain of systems as property ceded to it in its corporate charter with the Galactic Empire. Those systems were previously owned by the Trianii settlers.

The war

The CSA-Trianii War happened along the chain of systems claimed by the Corporate Sector Authority. The CSA suspected that the Trianii colonies intended to make the taking of their land more trouble than it was worth. An armistice was then decided on after seven months of delicate negotiations on both sides of the conflict. Halbreck Dodd was one of the negotiators of the CSA, and Ceenda Bekkar was a chief negotiator of the Trianii.


  • Pirates & Privateers
  • The Essential Atlas



