
CF-8011 was a human stormtrooper who served in the 709th Legion of the First Order military regime. CF-8011 was stationed on the Outer Rim planet Batuu during the First Order's occupation there in 34 ABY. During the occupation, CF-8011 asked a fellow trooper, RS-318, why they were stationed on Batuu. The trooper had no clue, noting that the planet was full of lowlives and smugglers, to which CF-8011 replied that it was not any wonder why the stormtrooper's possessions were repeatedly stolen. CF-8011 also wondered and asked RS-318 why General Armitage Hux seemed more impatient than usual.

At another point during the occupation, CF-8011 overheard Supreme Leader Kylo Ren mention that he sensed something. The trooper went on to ask a fellow comrade, AD-2508, what the Supreme Leader meant by that, only for the latter to make a sarcastic retort at the Supreme Leader's expense. CF-8011 wore standard First Order stormtrooper armor with a white pauldron.

CF-8011 appeared in Star Wars: Datapad, an application launched alongside the themed land Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge, which was opened to guests at Disneyland Park and Disney's Hollywood Studios in 2019.

Behind the scenes

CF-8011 appeared in Star Wars: Datapad, an application launched alongside the themed land Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge, which was opened to guests at Disneyland Park and Disney's Hollywood Studios in 2019.



