
These droids were primarily plated in a silver and dark gray color. The upper portion of their bodies were hollow, surrounded by transparent plating. Their interior could be filled with trinkets, currency, gemstones, and other prizes, all of which could be accessed via a claw arm suspended from the upper-inside portion of the droid and a series of controls displayed on the exterior.

Behind the scenes

A "Replica C1-4W minipet" was released as a part of the annual Nar Shaddaa Nightlife event in 2021, available as a prize from the , all within the 2019 Star Wars: The Old Republic: Onslaught expansion for BioWare's 2011 massively multiplayer online role-playing game, Star Wars: The Old Republic.

The C1-4W droid was designed by concept artist Bradley W. Lewis, who first revealed on his ArtStation account the droid's full name, the fact that it's name is a reference to the word "claw," and how he convinced the animators to let the claw dangle and swing when the droid walked.



