Bureau of Ships and Services

During the Imperial Era, Han Solo registered himself as captain of the Graphite Skipper, actually the Millennium Falcon. He also registered himself under the alias Roaky Laamu as captain of the Sunfighter Franchise.

The bureau considered hyperspace routes around Jakku below the minimum standards for save navigation.

The Bureau of Ships and Services listed that the first owner of the Libertine was Valis of Kuhlvult, a Kuati diplomat, who had christened the vessel as the Steadfast. Eventually, the Steadfast was renamed as the Libertine and was owned by Korfé Bennux-Ai, an individual born into wealth on Celanon and a top-ranking manager for the Sienar-Jaemus corporation. In 34 ABY, the Libertine was stolen by DJ, an unprincipled criminal and slicer, and used by Rose Tico, Finn, and BB-8.

The Bureau of Ships and Services was first mentioned in the new Star Wars canon in Rey's Survival Guide, a book authored by Jason Fry and released in 2015.

In an interview, Alden Ehrenreich talked about research he did for his role as Han Solo in Solo: A Star Wars Story, and mentioned that he read articles on Wookieepedia, taking note of the Bureau of Ships and Services among others.

Behind the scenes

The Bureau of Ships and Services was first mentioned in the new Star Wars canon in Rey's Survival Guide, a book authored by Jason Fry and released in 2015.

In an interview, Alden Ehrenreich talked about research he did for his role as Han Solo in Solo: A Star Wars Story, and mentioned that he read articles on Wookieepedia, taking note of the Bureau of Ships and Services among others.

