Bryyn Woolery

A Tatooinian native, Bryyn Woolery owned a business in the city of Mos Espa. Following the death of her previous owner, Gardulla the Elder, Woolery acquired the slave girl Melee. Putting her to work maintaining the machinery within his shop for several years, Woolery eventually relocated his business to Mos Eisley, in search of a more lucrative market. The move proved to be a good one, for his business soon flourished. While he eventually freed Melee, he employed her as a paid assistant.


A Tatooinian native, Bryyn Woolery owned a business in the city of Mos Espa. Following the death of her previous owner, Gardulla the Elder, Woolery acquired the slave girl Melee. Putting her to work maintaining the machinery within his shop for several years, Woolery eventually relocated his business to Mos Eisley, in search of a more lucrative market. The move proved to be a good one, for his business soon flourished. While he eventually freed Melee, he employed her as a paid assistant.
