
The Brodihi were a sentient species that had a pair of horns and a long snout. Artifacts of the Brodihi were recovered by the Chiss Ascendancy from a wrecked starship and displayed in an art gallery, though the Chiss did not know the beings' exact origins. After analyzing the artifacts, which included Brodihi dinnerware, the Chiss cadet Mitth'raw'nuru "Thrawn" deduced that the species possessed a rigid hierarchy and that they preferred short-range combat.

Biology and appearance

The Brodihi were a sentient species that possessed a pair of horns and a long snout. The Chiss cadet Mitth'raw'nuru "Thrawn" deduced that the Brodihi's taste receptors were situated several centimeters down their snout, based on the fact that their flatware was elongated such that it deposited food that far back. Thrawn also guessed that the Brodihi's outer rim of teeth was a traditional weapon, and the species as such developed jaws that could bite into an enemy without tasting flesh or blood.

Society and culture

The Brodihi utilized dinnerware, both plates and elongated flatware, all of which was decorated with angled rainbow-colored stripes. When laid out on a table, the knives, forks, and spoons needed to be angled toward the center of the table and then back toward the edge, in a similar shape to that of their horns, in order for the stripes to match up. Furthermore, the knives had to point backward toward the edge so the color bars would match; however, if turned over, the pattern required the knives be angled in the other direction, toward the center of the table.

From studying on Brodihi dinnerware, Thrawn surmised that the action of pointing the knives toward oneself suggested no animosity towards others at the table. As the knives could also face toward the center if turned over, he also guessed that there was some form of social or political hierarchy within the Brodihi, and that the direction of one's knife depended on their rank relative to the others. Thrawn also concluded that the Brodihi's use of close-in weaponry such as teeth and knives corresponded to a preference for close-in combat, presuming that long-distance weaponry was secondary or even dishonorable.


At some point, Brodihi artifacts that included dinnerware were recovered from the wreckage of a downed starship by the Chiss Ascendancy, the government of the Chiss species within the Unknown Regions. Over three hundred years later, the artifacts had come to be displayed in an alien art wing of an art gallery on Naporar. Though the items were displayed alongside a picture and description of the beings, the Chiss were unsure of the Brodihi's origins or whether they still survived. While a cadet at Taharim Academy on Naporar, Thrawn analyzed the items and used his skills at studying artworks to come to several conclusions about the Brodihi. Thrawn would later take Senior Cadet Irizi'ar'alani "Ziara" to visit the gallery, where he talked her through his process, leading her to come to many of the same deductions.






