Borvo's guard

A male guard was employed by Borvo the Hutt during the Galactic Civil War.


When the guard first began working for Borvo the Hutt on Naboo, he was trained by Niksel Frangee one of the Hutt's most trusted employees. After the Battle of Yavin, the man had become Borvo's personal guard. He was based in the Moenia Cantina which acted as the Hutt's base of operations for his business ventures on the planet Naboo.

In 1 ABY, Dagorel, one of Borvo's thugs, was shot in an ambush during a mission in the Paitnnu Wetlands and severely injured. The guard quickly hired a spacer to find him, give him a medpac and escort him back to the Moenia. Borvo's guard later found out that Dagorell was set up by Niksel Frangee, a undercover officer in the Corellian Security Force and hired the spacer again to murder Frangee. The spacer took Frangee's detective badge and Borvo's guard ordered the spacer to go on Corellia to pass himself off as Frangee. During his six years in infiltration, all of Frangee's direct superiors had retired and been replaced. Thus, nobody in the CorSec knew how Frangee looked like at the moment of his death. The spacer met one of the CorSec senior officers, Captain Thale Dustrunner, in the Coronet Capitol. Dustrunner fell for the ruse and took the spacer for the long lost agent. He ordered him to protect Aldalad, a witness who wanted to testify against Borvo, and Maerzen, who had discovered evidence against Borvo the Hutt. The spacer killed both of them and returned to Borvo's guard, leaving the CorSec without any evidence against the Hutt crime lord.

Behind the scenes

Every possible depictions of Borvo's guard

Every possible depictions of Borvo's guard

Borvo's guard appeared as a non-player character in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, prior to its closure on December 15, 2011. Because Borvo's guard spawned under the generic "borvos_guard" template, his appearance was randomized under one of five possible depictions. However, he always appeared as male.

Borvo's guard was present in the original release of the game, being part of Borvo the Hutt's questline. With the release of the "Publish 25," a.k.a. the "New Game Enhancements," on November 15, 2005, Borvo the Hutt's questline was revamped. While the gameplay of the questline was extensively upgraded, the storyline remained similar.






