Bombardment of Ruisto


In 2 ABY, the aged Grand Moff Therbon grew frustrated with his inability to retake Mon Calamari. Since the Empire had been unwilling to gather a fleet large enough to assault the Mon Calamari homeworld, the Mon Calamari colony on Ruisto became a suitable substitute target. The bombardment of Ruisto was also meant to serve as a training exercise for an eventual attack on the Mon Calamari homeworld.

The bombardment

The Empire deployed an assault fleet comprised of Star Destroyers to bombard Ruisto. The Mon Calamari colony was blasted out of existence and the small shipyards orbiting the planet were destroyed. Grand Moff Therbon then ordered a sustained orbital bombardment that wiped out all life on Ruisto.


  • Rebellion Era Sourcebook
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, Vol. III, p. 114
  • The Essential Atlas
  • Strongholds of Resistance
