Blue Squadron (New Republic)


Blue Squadron was a New Republic training squadron of RZ-1 A-wing interceptor pilots, who flew fighters painted white with blue stripes marked with white triangles. The squadron's fighters were outfitted with advanced targeting and defensive systems and armed with proton torpedos, making up for the minimal shielding the fighters were equipped with.

By the time of the Battle of Calamari in 10 ABY, Blue Squadron was stationed at Pinnacle Base in the Cyax system, and had adopted the use of T-65 X-wing starfighters.


During the Galactic Civil War, the New Republic's Blue Squadron underwent training at Folor Base alongside Wraith Squadron. Led by General Edor Crespin, the squadron fought with Wraith Squadron both offensively and defensively in the campaign against the Empire of Warlord Zsinj.

Battle of Folor

A Wraith Squadron navigational exercise was interrupted by the discovery of the Warlord Zsinj-aligned Imperial Star Destroyer Implacable. Alerted of the Star Destroyer's presence, Blue Leader General Crespin prepared to evacuate Folor, directing Gold Squadron's A-wings to escort three GR-75 medium transports out of the system, and Blue and Wraith Squadrons to remain on station for a delaying action. While the Star Destroyer's commanding officer, Admiral Apwar Trigit, was fooled into bombarding the moon one-hundred-and-eighty degrees away from the base's actual position, two of the transports were able to escape, though the third, Borleias, suffered a malfunction, necessitating the starfighter squadrons to engage to buy it time. At the suggestion of Wraith Leader Commander Wedge Antilles, the two squadrons entered the lunar crevasse known as the "Pig Trough," sending Blue Nine Dorset Konnair and Blue Ten Tetengo Noor—along with Wraiths Five and Six—ahead as spotters. Arriving after the Wraiths despite their crafts' superior speed, the Blue Squadron pilots directed their visual sensors at the Imperials' expected position, with Noor as the first to detect Implacables TIE complement. Transmitting the attacker's expected point of interception with the trench to Folor Base, the pilots conceived of a plan to remove the Star Destroyer from the engagement: Blue Nine and Ten flew wing-to-wing, oscillated their shields, and impersonated the Millennium Falcon through obsolete communications encryption. Taking the bait of the high-profile target, the Star Destroyer was lured off in pursuit.

As Implacables six TIE squadrons crossed over the Pig Trough, the Blue Squadron rose out of the fissure, leaping over the X-wings of Wraith Squadron to engage the TIE/sa bombers and their TIE/LN starfighter escorts. In the confusion of the battle, a pilot with the call sign Blue Four mistakenly believed a squadron mate, "Blue Three," to have been killed in action, only to be reunited with the other pilot. As Borleias jumped to hyperspace, the New Republic squadrons broke off their attack and the "Millennium Falcon" group abandoned their deception. While the evacuation of Folor was a success, Blue Squadron lost five pilots, with most other sustaining serious damage to their starfighters.

Battle of Ession

As the culmination of Wraith Squadron's impersonation of the crew of the Zsinj-aligned CR90 corvette Night Caller, Implacable was lured into an ambush over Ession. Infiltrating the planet's security aboard the derelict Super Transport VI Red Feathers, Blue Squadron—along with Rogue and Green Squadrons—deployed as Red Feathers disintegrated in Ession's gravity. General Crespin's A-wings joined the Wraiths in combat, pursuing Implacables TIEs as they fled Ession to defend the Star Destroyer. "Blue Nine" eliminated a TIE/IN interceptor on the tail of Wraith Five Kell Tainer before rejoining her wingman, "Blue Ten", and Crespin pursued Admiral Trigit and his bodyguards with Myn Donos, Wraith Nine, offering the fleeing interceptor flight the opportunity to surrender. His offer declined, the squadron leader closed with the TIEs and destroyed the admiral's wingmates, while Donos eliminated Trigit himself.

Battle of Calamari

In 10 ABY, Blue Squadron, now an X-wing battle group, was sent from Pinnacle Base by Admiral Ackbar—along with Green Squadron—to cover the evacuation of Calamari, escorting the inhabitants of the planet ravaged by the reborn Emperor's World Devastators to the water world of Da Soocha.

Battle of Almania

In 17 ABY, Blue Squadron was able to participate in the Battle of Almania while other X-wing squadrons were grounded due to being sabotaged with astromech droids armed with explosives.

Behind the scenes

Blue Squadron's A-wing starfighters were first pictured when they were represented with a miniature featuring the art of Ralph McQuarrie in the initial release of the Star Wars PocketModel TCG in June 19, 2007.













