Blue (Delta-class DX-9 stormtrooper transport)

Blue was present at RS-32, an XQ4 Platform which was housing Mag Pulse technology used by the Rebels. After an unsuccessful raid on ZA-13, Imperial High Command, tracked down the raid to the station and attacked the station. When the station's shields were down, RS-32 called for reinforcements and launched T-wings and the transport Blue carrying Officers. However, before the transport could escape into Hyperspace, Maarek Stele intercepted and disabled the transport allowing it to be boarded and sent to Victory-class Star Destroyer Sceltor


Blue was present at RS-32, an XQ4 Platform which was housing Mag Pulse technology used by the Rebels. After an unsuccessful raid on ZA-13, Imperial High Command, tracked down the raid to the station and attacked the station. When the station's shields were down, RS-32 called for reinforcements and launched T-wings and the transport Blue carrying Officers. However, before the transport could escape into Hyperspace, Maarek Stele intercepted and disabled the transport allowing it to be boarded and sent to Victory-class Star Destroyer Sceltor



