Blockade of the Roche system

During the Galactic Civil War, District Commander Bane Nothos instituted a blockade of the Roche system after learning that new B-wing starfighters were nearing completion. Thanks to the efforts of the undercover spy, Salin Glek, Nothos launched an attack on Research Station Shantipole to recover the prototypes, but was foiled by Alliance to Restore the Republic agents. Indeed, the Rebels successfully managed to evacuate the facility with the two B-wing/E starfighter prototypes. The starfighters then engaged and disabled Nothos's flagship, allowing Commander Ackbar's transport and the Verpine fleet to escape the blockade. Following this debacle, Nothos was demoted to commander in the Outer Rim Territories. Although the Rebel Alliance left the area, the Imperial fleet remained in the system and Imperial forces took the Verpine Hive Mother hostage to prevent further incident. The blockade of the Roche system was maintained firmly in place for most of the Imperial Period.


  • Strongholds of Resistance






