BlasTech Gikosphere

The BlasTech Gikosphere was a limmie stadium on Coruscant and home to the planet's representative in the Galactic Cup of Limmie, Team Coruscant. The 120,000-seat building was only filled to one-tenth capacity during the Cup's 22 BBY opening round because of the sport's unpopularity on the galactic capital world. When Coruscant took on the planet of Fondor's visiting team, the inexperienced Team Coruscant lost the game, with one score to Fondor's three. The stadium was the origin of a HoloNet News article covering the results of the Coruscant–Fondor game and the Galactic Cup's other opening matches that were played across the galaxy. A Roonan was employed at the Gikosphere as a Match Master.

The BlasTech Gikosphere was mentioned in HoloNet News Vol. 531 #47, an issue of the HoloNet News website that was published on March 14, 2002. The article that references the location, titled "Coruscant Eliminated in Galactic Cup Opening Round," was written by Pablo Hidalgo and Paul Ens. The article's picture, depicting Coruscant's game against Fondor, was drawn by Joe Corroney.

Behind the scenes

The BlasTech Gikosphere was mentioned in HoloNet News Vol. 531 #47, an issue of the HoloNet News website that was published on March 14, 2002. The article that references the location, titled "Coruscant Eliminated in Galactic Cup Opening Round," was written by Pablo Hidalgo and Paul Ens. The article's picture, depicting Coruscant's game against Fondor, was drawn by Joe Corroney.



