Blank Look Gang

This band of small-time thieves was active on Coruscant during the last years of the Old Republic. They were well-armed and had the funding to carry out large heists, but never had a real opportunity until they were contracted by an off-world collector to steal certain pieces of art from the Galactic Museum. Among the artworks was a collection of ancient Twi'leki pottery, which the Museum had planned to sell at auction. The Blankers, as they were known, managed to reprogram one of the Museum's ASP droids, giving it instructions to steal the pottery and then "accidentally" walk off a ledge. The Gang was waiting below the ledge, and caught the droid and tried to make off with the pottery.


This band of small-time thieves was active on Coruscant during the last years of the Old Republic. They were well-armed and had the funding to carry out large heists, but never had a real opportunity until they were contracted by an off-world collector to steal certain pieces of art from the Galactic Museum. Among the artworks was a collection of ancient Twi'leki pottery, which the Museum had planned to sell at auction. The Blankers, as they were known, managed to reprogram one of the Museum's ASP droids, giving it instructions to steal the pottery and then "accidentally" walk off a ledge. The Gang was waiting below the ledge, and caught the droid and tried to make off with the pottery.



