
Blandings served aboard the Imperial prison barge Purge and was aboard it in 1 BBY when the barge broke down while en route to the detainment moon Gradient Seven. Blandings was selected to be part of a boarding party that was to travel from the Purge to a nearby abandoned Star Destroyer, to search for spare parts to try and repair the barge with. The team was led by Jareth Sartoris and it made it's way onto the Star Destroyer through a docking shaft. They then split into two and Sartoris, Blandings, the Imperial Corrections Officers Austin and Vesek, and the engineer Greeley made their way to the Star Destroyer's maintenance level, where they found some parts. They then made their way back to the Purge, where Blandings and the rest of the party, apart from Sartoris, died from a virus that they had contracted while aboard the Star Destroyer.


Blandings served aboard the Imperial prison barge Purge and was aboard it in 1 BBY when the barge broke down while en route to the detainment moon Gradient Seven. Blandings was selected to be part of a boarding party that was to travel from the Purge to a nearby abandoned Star Destroyer, to search for spare parts to try and repair the barge with. The team was led by Jareth Sartoris and it made it's way onto the Star Destroyer through a docking shaft. They then split into two and Sartoris, Blandings, the Imperial Corrections Officers Austin and Vesek, and the engineer Greeley made their way to the Star Destroyer's maintenance level, where they found some parts. They then made their way back to the Purge, where Blandings and the rest of the party, apart from Sartoris, died from a virus that they had contracted while aboard the Star Destroyer.






