Black Eleven Fleet

The Black Eleven Fleet was a force of Duskhan League warships based at Doornik-1142 in the early stages of the Black Fleet Crisis. They were named for the captured Imperial shipyard Black Eleven.


The fleet included a captured Victory-class Star Destroyer, renamed Devotion of Yevetha and at least three additional ships of Imperial design, known as the Purity, Blessings, and Beauty of Yevetha. Purity appears to have been the command ship of the force, under Primate Vol Noorr. When the New Republic scout Astrolabe entered the Doornik-1142 system in 16 ABY, the Purity destroyed the intruder to prevent the fleet from being discovered. The Devotion subsequently served as the command ship at Polneye during the Yevethan Purge, while the corvette Beauty was stationed at N'zoth and destroyed there by New Republic pilot Rone Taggar.

All the ships of Imperial design in the Yevethan fleet were taken over by surviving Black Sword personnel in 17 ABY and withdrew to the Deep Core.

Behind the scenes

The novel Before the Storm reveals that the Yevetha were concealing at least one capital ship at Doornik-1142, and in the sequel Shield of Lies, the character of Admiral Ackbar infers that the system was the location of a captured Type II Orbital Repair Yard, but the specific association with the Black Eleven yard and the presence of a large fleet in the system are stated only in subsequent reference sources such as the Star Wars Encyclopedia.

Although Devotion and Beauty are explicitly identified as ex-Imperial vessels captured from Black Sword Command in 4 ABY, the other named ships may be newly built by the Yevetha using the old Imperial designs.

Two ships accompanying Devotion of Yevetha at Polneye, named Liberty and Honor are likely to have been part of the Black Eleven Fleet.

The capture of these ships and their removal to the Deep Core can be inferred from events in the novel Tyrant's Test.

No reason is given for why the fleet is named after the Black Eleven yard - the name may indicate the presence of ships captured along with the shipyard at Zhina,new ships subsequently constructed in the captured facility, or simply the use of the shipyard as a base for a more miscellaneous force of vessels. The fleet may in fact have contained all the vessels of Imperial design under Yevethan control.

The Encyclopedia does not explicitly state that the Black Eleven shipyard was present at Doornik-1142, merely that a fleet taking their name from the yard was based there. The novel Tyrant's Test mentions a strong reconnaissance force from the New Republic Fifth Fleet being dispatched to the system to seek the shipyard inferred to be located there, but there is no reference to any meaningful result, in contrast with the significance given to the discovery of Black Nine at ILC-905, which may hint that the yard was in fact located elsewhere.


  • Star Wars Encyclopedia
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia



