Bitt Panith's secret base

Bitt Panith's secret base was a laboratory located on the Trandoshan moon of Akoshissss. There the Muun cyberneticist, Bitt Panith, designed new armor for General Grievous and created a cyborg monster that was immune to the Force named Krossen.

In 21 BBY, during the Clone Wars, the Galactic Senate sent Jedi Master Bant Eerin, her Padawan, Jaylen Kos, and clone sergeant, Lex, along with the Eighteenth Battalion to the moon of Akoshissss where Krossen was in the final stages of development. During the battle that ensued, the Jedi and Lex went on a mission to infiltrate Bitt Panith's laboratory. Once inside, Jaylen and Lex destroyed Krossen, and Eerin arrested the Muun, who was then taken to Coruscant where he stood trial for his crimes.



