
In Star Wars: Tiny Death Star, NPCs known as "bitizens" are named randomly based on a list stored within the game. This list of bitizens exists to catalog these names. Some of these characters may be misinterpreted by online sources as being canonical characters with a set history. While the existence of these characters may be canonical, the nature of their histories within the Star Wars universe is unclear.

Random Name Generator

For Tiny Death Star, the names for Bitizens are generated randomly by combining from a list of first names and a list of last names. In the table below are the unique first and last names that have been observed so far. (Information copied from Death Star Wiki by one of the page authors.)

List of Bitizens

Please feel free to add to this list, but just double check before doing so that the bitizen you are adding has not been added already. It has been arranged alphabetically by last name. (Spy) - (Name has been associated with a Rebel Spy)

The list below is a sample of randomly generated characters by combining from a list of first name, lastname, rebel or not, and a permutation of possible character looks.



