Bin Prime


Imperial troops advance on Bin Prime.

Imperial troops advance on Bin Prime.

Sometime between and , the capital of Balmorra was moved from Sobrik to Bin Prime.

In 23 BBY, bounty hunter Jango Fett travelled to Bin Prime to capture Groodo the Hutt. Groodo had been hiding at the well-defended castle of his brother Rigorra, the planetary warlord. On Balmorra, Fett ran into Aurra Sing, who had been hunting Rigorra herself for personal reasons. The two hunters successfully infiltrated Rigorra's palace together but were captured along with two other bounty hunters—Bossk and Skorr—who were also hunting Groodo. Fett and Sing managed to escape from Rigorra's clutches and capture their targets. Fett then delivered Rodd and Groodo to Count Dooku on Geonosis, and departed.

Bin Prime was the headquarters of planetary governor Beltane during his administration under the Imperial occupation of the planet. Despite their income from producing Imperial war machines, Beltane wanted Balmorra free from the Empire. After the Battle of Endor, the world broke away from Imperial influence. During Operation Shadow Hand, it was attacked by Executor Sedriss QL, who sent an invasion army towards the capital. Bin Prime was saved by the numerous technological achievements Balmorra had made in the intervening years, as new battle droid models held the force at bay, before they could reach the fortified city's borders.


  • The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons









