Big Bunji

Big Bunji was a criminal who worked with the smugglers Han Solo and Chewbacca on a scam that involved running counterfeit Authority cash vouchers to the poor people on the far side of the Cron Drift. Although the job involved exploiting people poor than themselves, which went against "smuggler's honor," Solo and Chewbacca took the job because of their own financial difficulties. After the job, they pair broke off relations with Bunji and moved on to work with the Briil Twins. Solo recorded details of his work with Big Bunji in the pirate Maz Kanata's Smuggler's Guide

Big Bunji was first mentioned in the 2018 canon reference book Star Wars: Smuggler's Guide, written by Daniel Wallace. In the Star Wars Legends continuity, Big Bunji was first mentioned in the 1979 novel Han Solo at Stars' End, written by Brian Daley.

Behind the scenes

Big Bunji was first mentioned in the 2018 canon reference book Star Wars: Smuggler's Guide, written by Daniel Wallace. In the Star Wars Legends continuity, Big Bunji was first mentioned in the 1979 novel Han Solo at Stars' End, written by Brian Daley.


  • Star Wars: Smuggler's Guide
