Bensin Tomri

Shortly before the Yuuzhan Vong War, he, Danni Quee, and Cho Badeleg took the Spacecaster to investigate a presumed comet crashing on Helska IV. Bensin was very excited, as Yomin Carr theorized that since the planet was made of ice, the collision could cause it to explode. In actuality, it was the Yuuzhan Vong Prefect Da'Gara's worldship, and when they arrived, they were taken prisoner by Da'Gara and his large crew. Cho was already dead when Danni came around. She then saw Bensin have his neck tilted backward, and a Vong warrior drove his fist into the man's throat, killing him.


Shortly before the Yuuzhan Vong War, he, Danni Quee, and Cho Badeleg took the Spacecaster to investigate a presumed comet crashing on Helska IV. Bensin was very excited, as Yomin Carr theorized that since the planet was made of ice, the collision could cause it to explode. In actuality, it was the Yuuzhan Vong Prefect Da'Gara's worldship, and when they arrived, they were taken prisoner by Da'Gara and his large crew. Cho was already dead when Danni came around. She then saw Bensin have his neck tilted backward, and a Vong warrior drove his fist into the man's throat, killing him.



