Beggar's Canyon Incident

The Beggar's Canyon Incident take place on Tatooine when a Jabba's swoop gang attacks Luke Skywalker at Ben Kenobi's hut.


Following the Battle of Gall, Luke finds that Janson's droid had been programmed by a technician to kill him; the technician is shot by Wedge and discovered that she was paid by Vader (actually by Guri). Leia decides to make contact to an underground organization in the hopes of finding out who is responsible. Unfortunately she decides to make contact with the Black Sun, unaware that Xizor is the one who wants Luke dead. Leia also asks Luke to go to Tatooine after Boba Fett not knowing that Xizor expects so; she also secretly hires Rendar to follow and protect him.

Big Gizz, while on the town with his buds, is challenged by a mysterious stranger, Jix, in Mos Eisley. When Jix steals Spiker's swoop, Gizz is impressed with his willingness to cheat. Jabba just got a transmission that interfered with Jix's instructions to ensure Luke's survival: that Luke is there, and he is more useful dead. After a discussion in Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina that Dash overhears, Jix and the gang race over to kill Luke.

The pursuit

At Ben Kenobi's hut, Luke tests the new lightsaber he has constructed according to the instructions from a book he found inside. Once the swoop bikers arrive, Luke deflects several blaster bolts before he slashes aside one of the riders and steals a bike within the twists and turns of Beggar's Canyon with Dash coming behind. During the frail, Luke is unknowingly aided by Jix who sabotages his fellows' attempts to hit Luke. When Spiker gets a clear shot at Luke, Jix rams his swoop into Spiker's to keep Luke alive. The pursuers are halved and Luke loses them by passing through the Stone Needle when Rendar arrives, drops into the canyon and opens fire causing them to scatter and flee. Although Jix breaks a leg in the crash, Spiker is nearly dead. Gizz falls from his bike and levels his rifle at Luke; he's struck in the skull with a rock by Jix.


After fending off an attack by a swoop gang, Skywalker encountered a message droid that was originally sent to Organa, who had gone to meet with Black Sun representatives. However, Skywalker was able to determine the password to reveal the message. The message was sent by Koth Melan, a Bothan spymaster, that claiming to have vital information for the Alliance and requesting a meeting as soon as possible on Bothawui. Skywalker traveled to meet with Melan along with Rendar.













