
Beeta was a Corellian hound owned by the Grindalid Prybolt Garavult along with two other hounds, Serenata and Sibak. Serenata was part of the the Supreme Coronet City Diplomat Protection bodyguard business led by Alys Ongwa in Coronet City on the planet Corellia. In 230 BBY, Prybolt and the rest of Ongwa's crew undertook a protection job for Father of Finances Nomar Tralmat as he attended a meeting in the Syllain District. As requested by Tralmat, the three hounds, Garavult and Ovarto Bitolo-Bash remained outside the building where the meeting was held. Eventually, Garavult grew concerned and took the three hounds into the building with him, where he discovered Tralmat on his hands and knees on the floor with a bloodied nose, and a masked Er'Kit woman stood above him. Garavult commanded the hounds to eat the woman, though before they could reach her, Beeta was killed. The Er'Kit then gassed the room, which caused the two remaining hounds to squeal. The masked woman made her escape, and Garavult was able to get the Father of Finances out of the building. Shortly after, Tralmat went missing and Garavult was killed by the Er'Kit.






