Battle on Lazerian IV

The battle

At some point, a battle involving the Jedi Order took place in an outpost on the continent Laz on the planet Lazerian IV. The native aquatic species of Lazerian IV, the Akwin, witnessed the battle and noted the presence of many "strangers with glowing blades," which were Jedi Knights with their lightsabers. The battle left the grounds severely and permanently damaged; not even vegetation could grow back. Numerous lightsabers and pieces of lightsabers were left buried in the ground.


Long after the battle occurred, an eccentric noble acquired the land on which the outpost stood, making it off-limits to trespassers. Other inhabitants of Lazerian IV regarded the ruins of the battle as an eyesore.

Following the New Republic's formation in 4 ABY, a group of travelers encountered the outpost and discovered the lightsabers and their pieces. They later attempted to repair at least one of them while reserving the components as spare parts. Upon hearing about the lightsabers, the Galactic Empire's interest in the outpost grew.

Behind the scenes

The battle on Lazerian IV was created by John Terra and introduced in Twin Stars of Kira, a 1993 supplement to West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game.

