Battle of the Cliffs

The Battle of the Cliffs was a battle fought on the planet of Cilpar during the Galactic Civil War.


After liberating an Imperial base on Endor, Throm Loro led members of the Cilpari Resistance against Moff Boren Tascl's forces. When Loro's actions caught the attention of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, Moff Tascl responded by engaging the resistance in open warfare.

The battle

Throm Loro's last stand was in a mountainous region of the planet, where he was accompanied by Groznik, a Wookiee slave he had freed on Endor. During the battle, two Lambda-class shuttles launched a strafing run on the resistance soldiers on a rocky plateau. Throm was caught in the laser fire and killed. Groznik, having sworn a life debt to Throm, retaliated, hurling a boulder at one of the shuttles and destroying it.




