Battle of Whisper Base

Around 0 ABY, the Imperial forces of Moff Lasre Dardano attacked Whisper Base, which had recently been captured by the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

Having discovered the loss of his listening post, Dardano sent a number of forces to recapture the base; if they were unable to regain control, the objective would change to destroying Whisper Base. Due to the fact the base was built to spy on an Imperial rival, he could only bring a small portion of his forces to the engagement, in order to maintain operational secrecy.

Recruiting reinforcements

Now in control of Imperial outpost Whisper Base, the Rebel forces on the planet Onderon visited the oppressed village of Darrastead to recruit for their cause. Negotiating with Deil Kadru, the village elder, the Rebels succeeded in gaining the aid of the village locals to maintain the base and operate its Signal Intelligence array.

The Rebel unit subsequently traversed the jungle belonging to the Beast Riders. Within half an hour, the group was intercepted by a ruping-mounted warrior patrol of the Clazca tribe. Seen as intruders and told to explain themselves or leave, the Rebels gained the warriors' attention and, after a short dialogue, laid the grounds for future cooperation. Provided directions to a hunting lodge by the Clazca, the group was instructed to stay out of Beast Rider territory and meet at the lodge in one week.

The party later made its way to the lodge and were greeted boisterously by dozens of Beast Riders, drinking, bickering and wandering about. There, the Rebels formally presented the idea of an alliance to the Clazca and gained a promise of ongoing support in their efforts against the Empire.

Securing an operative

The Rebels of Whisper Base received a transmission from Alliance Command informing them of an arriving operative to aid them in communication management.

Behind the scenes

The battle for Whisper Base first appeared in the roleplaying game module Operation: Shadowpoint. The events of the adventure are presented in a modular manner such that they may be presented in a variable order. This article assumes the events of Operation: Shadowpoint are successfully resolved in the order presented by the supplement.



