Battle of Saleucami (Zann Consortium)

An attack on Saleucami was launched by the Zann Consortium to claim a listening outpost belonging to the Hutt Cartel.


The battle was planned after the Cartel launched attacks on the Zann Consortium and destroyed one of the Consortium's barrack complexes. After corrupting the planet, Tyber Zann sent a Defiler to sabotage the shield generator. Afterwards, he sent Urai Fen to capture the planet.

The battle

Urai Fen was sent down along with several Grenadiers and Mercenary Assault Squads. Some of his troops were left behind to guard the landing zone for reinforcements. After destroying the Hutt Command Center, the Hutt Cartel struck back, killing the Mercenaries at the landing zone using mines. Urai expected this and made his way past the Hutt Cartel forces to capture the landing zone, killing several Hutt mercenaries to secure it. After doing so, the rest of the Zann Consortium forces dropped down and crushed the rest of the Hutt Cartel on Saleucami.


After capturing Saleucami, Tyber discovered that Jabba Desilijic Tiure had discovered a droid factory on Hypori that had somehow survived the Clone Wars. Zann decided to capture that droid factory next.




