Battle of RZ7-6113-23

The Battle of RZ7-6113-23 took place in orbit of RZ7-6113-23 during the Galactic Civil War.


Captain Lar Ndigo met General Han Solo in the aftermath of the Battle of Pallaxides. Solo assigned him a MC80 Liberty type Star Cruiser to investigate the disappearance of the cruiser Endor soon before.

Space battle

When arriving near the planet RZ7-6113-23, Captain Ndigo's ship was engaged by a surface-to-space cannon. Fearing a trap, he ordered the activation of the deflector shield just before the impact. While the surface cannon was reloading, his damaged ship was immediately attacked by old Nimbus-class V-wing starfighters but they were easily repelled by the more modern A-wings. Knowing that his ship was too damaged to resist a another hit, even with the shields at maximum power, Ndigo decided to disable the shields and concentrate all power to the turbolasers so as to attack the planet. The cruiser was able to destroy the surface cannon before it could shoot the ship once again.

Ground assault

New Republic troopers assault the base.

New Republic troopers assault the base.

After the space battle, the New Republic forces landed on the planet and attacked the Imperial base. The New Republic troopers found few resistance and easily eliminated all the stormtroopers and penetrated the base. However, the New Republic discovered the place was deserted and the base eventually exploded, killing most of the Republic soldiers inside.


The New Republic eventually understood that the space battle was just a diversion to cover the evacuation of the base. In fact, Ennix Devian's fleet was ready to strike the Imperial Remnant at Orinda.






