Battle of Kubindi

A battle at the planet Kubindi was fought in the Yuuzhan Vong War in 26 ABY. The Yuuzhan Vong were attracted to Kubindi by the Kubaz history of genetically-engineered insects.

Yuuzhan Vong Lieutenant Mujmai Iinan suggested to Warmaster Tsavong Lah that the battle could be launched with only half the number of coralskippers. However, Kyp Durron, stationed at Bothawui, anticipated the attack, and brought his forces to the planet. Because of the lack of coralskippers, he was able to hold off the Yuuzhan Vong fleet until the Kubaz had evacuated all spaceworthy craft, although the planet did fall to the Yuuzhan Vong. As a result, Lah had Iinan sacrificed to the gods after the battle.


  • The New Jedi Order Sourcebook
  • The Essential Atlas



