Battle of Glom Tho

The battle of Glom Tho was one of the first engagements between the New Republic and the Galactic Empire after the Battle of Endor, on the planet Glom Tho.


After the end of the Nagai–Tof War, the New Republic launched its main liberation campaign against the Empire. Admiral Firmus Nantz was given command of the First Fleet, and staged his campaign from the planet Saijo.

The battle

General Tyr Taskeen's forces assaulted the planet Glom Tho and seized key foundries. New Republic troops made extensive use of Neuro-Saav Sure-Sight macrobinoculars during the battle. Glom Tho was the decisive battle in the Hevvrol Sector Campaign and a strategic New Republic victory.


The New Republic victory at Glom Tho blunted the expansion dreams of another warlord, Moff Par Lankin, who ruled the Lambda sector. Neuro-Saav Corporation would utilize the battle in advertising for its macrobinoculars, as New Republic troops present in the battle gave it a 97.3 percent satisfaction rating.

