Battle of Druckenwell

The Battle of Druckenwell was a conflict during the Great Galactic War between the Republic and the resurgent Sith Empire. Occurring in the last months of the war in 3653 BBY, the battle saw combat between Republic and Imperial fleets, with the Human later known as the Eagle serving as an Imperial starfighter pilot and at least one Imperial transport ruined during the battle. The Imperial commanding officer, Moff Broysc, made a critical oversight that nearly resulted in defeat, but one of his subordinates—a man named Malavai Quinn—chose to disobey the Moff's order and single-handedly returned the advantage to the Empire, resulting in a Republic defeat.

However, Broysc was furious at the insubordination from Quinn, who had been tracking a Republic Strategic Information Service agent by the name of Voloren and had the other man cornered when Broysc recalled Quinn to serve in the battle. The Moff took credit for Quinn's saving of the fleet, but chose to court-martial his subordinate. Fortunately for Quinn, the Sith Lord Darth Baras assigned Quinn to Balmorra, leaving Broysc to fume and block every transfer or promotion Quinn received during his time on the planet.



