Battle of Bilbringi (Yuuzhan Vong War)

The Battle of Bilbringi was an engagement fought on the outskirts of the Bilbringi system in 25 ABY, and resulted from the ambush of a passenger liner, the Queen of Empire, by the forces of the Peace Brigade.


The Peace Brigade, which was collaborating with the Yuuzhan Vong, a race of extra-galactic aliens which had attacked the galaxy, boarded the Queen of Empire to retrieve a Yuuzhan Vong defector, the priestess Elan. Unbeknownst to Reck Desh, who was leading the Peace Brigade operatives, Elan was a bogus defector, and secretly an assassin attempting to make contact with the Jedi Order in order to kill as many Jedi as possible. When the Yuuzhan Vong discovered that Desh and his cohorts were attempting to return Elan to them before her mission was completed, they dispatched Executor Nom Anor with a Yuuzhan Vong frigate to stall the Peace Brigade.

The battle

The battle grew increasingly complicated as the Thurse, a New Republic carrier, arrived to defend the Queen of Empire, and both the Yuuzhan Vong frigate and the Thurse engaged one another. Desh, who had extracted Elan from the Queen of Empire, led the priestess towards the Yuuzhan Vong frigate aboard one of his shuttles, with the light freighter the Millennium Falcon in pursuit. Executor Anor attempted to keep the shuttle at bay, sacrificing many of his pilots to do so, in order that the Millennium Falcon could recapture the priestess. As it happened, however, Elan's duplicity was discovered by the Millennium Falcons captain Han Solo, and the assassin subsequently perished, killed by her own bioweapon. Vergere managed to flee in an escape pod. With the operation a failure, Executor Anor retreated his forces, and the engagement was brought to a close.


After her escape from the Millennium Falcon during the latter stages of the battle, Vergere eventually met Dark Lady of the Sith Lumiya, whereupon the two hatched their plan to create a new Sith Lord.

The Bilbringi system would eventually be captured by the Yuuzhan Vong invaders in 27 ABY.


  • The New Jedi Order Sourcebook
  • The Essential Reader's Companion






