Battle in the Kalee system


The Imperial Armada secretly constructed a space station on Kalee, full of files on secret Sith operations in the galaxy; however at the beginning of the Galactic War the personnel of the station decided to defect to Republic; unfortunately the Empire discovered the attempted defection and sent a fleet to recapture the station or destroy if the Republic was incoming. So the Republic command decided to sent a member of the Coruscant Aegis Squadron, supported by at least three Thranta-class corvettes, to defend the station until the evacuation of the people and secret files was over.

The battle

Upon arriving, the Republic forces immediately began to destroy the missiles shot against the station. The three Imperial escorts each attempted to intercept the Republic fleet and suffered heavy damage doing so. The squadron member continued attacking Mark VI Supremacy-class starfighters and the escorts while nearing the warship. The hero was tasked with damaging four shield generators and twelve Laser cannons on the capital ship that guided the Imperial fleet, as well as eliminating 30 interceptors if the opportunity arose. As the battle commenced three additional Terminus-class destroyers came to the aid of the capital ship, one of which was destroyed directly after assisting. The battle ended minutes after beginning and Coruscant Aegis Squadron left the Kalee system, with the Imperial defectors and their secret files.

Behind the scenes

The Battle in the Kalee system was created for Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game released by BioWare on December 20, 2011. It appears as one of the first upgrade Space Combat missions available to Republic players. In the Space Combat, players must destroy 50 Ace Extinction Bombers. There are also two bonus missions present in the battle. The first was to destroy four of the capital ship's shield generators, the second bonus mission is taking out a total of 30 Mk. VI interceptors.

The map used in this battle is the same as in Kabal Station Defense, a space mission available for Imperial players.



