Battle of Yavin Prime

The Battle of Yavin Prime occurred above Yavin Prime when the New Republic's Talus Group cornered the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Victorum in the atmosphere, and with the help of Vanguard Squadron and a boarding party, managed to take control of the ship and fend off Imperial reinforcements.


An engagement occurred that ended with Talus Group having cornered the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Victorum, but their CR90 corvette was badly damaged. Wedge Antilles arrived with Vanguard Squadron and took out a squad of TIE interceptors attacking them. Vanguard then attacked the damaged Star Destroyer head on. Vanguard Five found a breaching point and escorted a group of U-wings to board the destroyer. A Quasar Fire-class cruiser-carrier then jumped into the atmosphere and deployed squadrons of TIE fighters as reinforcements. Vanguard warded off the fighters and was able to destroy the carrier, only for three more to jump into the battle. However, the boarding crew was able to gain control over the Star Destroyer and opened fire onto the carriers, destroying them.


Victorum's hyperdrive and power systems fail behind enemy lines

Victorum's hyperdrive and power systems fail behind enemy lines

Following the battle, Vanguard squadron returned to the Temperance and Wedge went off on another mission. The Victorum attempted to travel to the Nadiri Dockyards, but was not able to make the full jump, arriving in a debris field above Desevro. In desperate need of repairs, they called back Vanguard Squadron to help defend them from an Imperial attack.


  • Star Wars: Battles that Changed the Galaxy
  • Star Wars: The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire



