
A battle-ax was a type of weapon used by Sith King Adas on Korriban during the Pre-Republic era. Adas's oversized battle-ax was forged using Sith alchemy. Circa 28,000 BBY, Adas took his ax to his fellow Sith in a series of brutal conflicts, eventually uniting and consolidating the disparate nations and tribes of Korriban. The period of his rule became known as the "Reign of the Ax." Around 27,700 BBY, during the invasion of Korriban by the Rakata species' Infinite Empire, the Sith were more than able to defend themselves, and Adas, refusing to tolerate their actions even in his advanced age, led his people in the vehement defense of Korriban. He participated in the punitive action, driving back the invaders with his massive ax and killing dozens of Rakatan warriors.

Following the Discovery of Korriban in 6900 BBY, Jen'jidai Sorzus Syn wrote about King Adas's battle-axes in her chronicle, which was later collected by Darth Sidious into his Book of Sith. In 19 BBY, a Jedi ExplorCorps member Telloti Cillmam'n found the armor of the Dark Jedi Warb Null on Nicht Ka, an ammonia-washed world located on the border of the ancient Sith Empire. After donning the armor, Cillmam'n was flooded with visions of the ancient Sith history, including the Rakatan invasion of Korriban, where he saw King Adas cutting down dozens of Rakatan warriors with his battle-ax.




