Base Delta-Nine

Base Delta-Nine's location is marked as "classified" in Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron: In the Empire's Service. However, the facility may be located on the planet Recopia, which was the staging area for the New Republic fleet prior to the Battle of Brentaal IV, an engagement that Rogue Squadron, Aggressor Wing and Admiral Ackbar all participated in. Both units and the admiral were known to have been at Delta-Nine two weeks prior to the liberation of Brentaal, making the facility's location on Recopia a distinct—if unconfirmed—possibility.

Behind the scenes

Base Delta-Nine's location is marked as "classified" in Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron: In the Empire's Service. However, the facility may be located on the planet Recopia, which was the staging area for the New Republic fleet prior to the Battle of Brentaal IV, an engagement that Rogue Squadron, Aggressor Wing and Admiral Ackbar all participated in. Both units and the admiral were known to have been at Delta-Nine two weeks prior to the liberation of Brentaal, making the facility's location on Recopia a distinct—if unconfirmed—possibility.






