Bartyn's Landing town council

Bartyn's Landing town council was supposedly a democratically-elected body for the town of Bartyn's Landing in Lamaredd. However, from the founding of the town to c. 29 BBY, it held little power and was chosen through corrupt means.

Organization and Powers

The town council was formed by one mayor and fourteen councilors representing the interests of the people. From the creation of Bartyn's Landing up until c. 29 BBY, the mayor was a member of the Bartyn family, who also ruled the two more important local businesses—the fully automated mines for Outer Rim Oreworks and Bartyn Gourmet Delicacies, giving a job to most of the people—and who held the property of almost all the land; sometimes, the Bartyns selected an agent or proxy as the mayor.

The councilors were publicly elected by the people in a vote that included a good amount of corruption. Even then, they had limited power, as they could not interfere in the management of ORO or in interplanetary trade, and the mayor could veto any action of the council, following the town charter—although this last action had only happened in the worst of times. The councilors did supervise the planetary trade of textiles and food with other towns in Lamaredd, including the sovereign state of Little Mon Cal.

The councilors voted who would be the Security Chief, or de facto constable of the town, even if the Chief was supposedly an employee of ORO. This vote was also prone to fraud. They also assigned budget to several official bodies, including the docks.


In 69 BBY, the town council unanimously elected Mix Liddell as the new Chief of Security. Forty years later, a well-liked councilor was murdered in a slum area of The Ring District, and Liddell investigated the case. He discovered that the councilor was a regular of the zone, where he resorted to spice and other unapproved entertainment.

Soon after this event, ORO retired from Lamaredd and the Bartyn family lost much of its power. Eventually, the town council seized Bartyn Gourmet Delicacies, although the Sailor's Union would attempt to take over the company.




