Banir Regional Energy Complex


The advanced facility combined wind and hydroelectric making it capable of producing enormous amounts of power needed by the Galactic Republic's industrialized farming initiative.


Following the defeat of the Eternal Empire, the Galactic Republic renewed their interest on the Dantooine, leading to heavy investment in the planet's old infrastructure. The crumbling dam near Tokare Garrison was modified by Republic engineers into a high-tech energy complex.

Despite the Republic's interest bringing benefits to the planet's residents—such as improved defenses and structures, and a renewed economy—some old guard Dantooinians decried the rapid development and warned their fellow citizens against relying on the Republic's assistance.

During the Dantooine Incursion, the pirate Yarvok of the Nova Blades took over the station and requested a ransom of 15 million credits for its reactor.

Behind the scenes

The Banir Regional Energy Complex is featured in Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Eternal Throne update "The Dantooine Incursion". In-game the complex is named the Dantooine Power Station but its codex entry identifies it as the Banir Regional Energy Complex.






