Bad Eggs

Official description

Hap's kitchen is overrun by creatures.

Helping Hap

At Hap's Sap Tap, Hap received a shipment of ingredients from Muxa, whom he describes as the best supplier in the Outer Rim Territories. Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay, and Nubs marvel at a crate of jogan fruits. Hap tells the younglings that his friend, Geeli, is visiting and that he ordered his ingredients to make his favorite stew. Hap admits he has never made the stew before. A nervous Hap invites the Jedi Initiates to stay around and help. The younglings say they are happy to help.

Hap invites the younglings to bring the ingredients inside the Sap Tap kitchen, which they have never been to before. Brightstar remarks it is so clean and organized. Nubs accidentally knocks over some tins of ingredients and a green fruit, but Hap is forgiving. While Hap is beginning to prepare the stew, Nubs notices a yellow jar with a blue top falling. Nubs notices something scurrying out of the jar and fleeing into the kitchen.

Critter infestation

He alerts Brightstar, who doesn't notice anything afoot. Hap gets Brightstar to hand him a . He also finds a tray of blue eggs and discovers that one of them has hatched. The four find that several cylindrical containers have been opened and Solay deduces that a creature is on the loose. Hap panics and says that they have to get the creature out of the kitchen before Geeli arrives. After examining a container of sap, Nub and his friends realize that the creature likes sap. Brightstar proposes using sap to lure the creature. Hap agrees to the plan but tells them to be fast since he needs the kitchen operational.

They place a bowl of purple sap on the floor and hide. Nubs hides on a high shelf with a colander to trap the creature, which turns out to be a critter known as a Tikotiko. The critter takes the bait and Nubs traps it inside the colander. Upon inspecting the tikotiko, Solay says that it is from a species that she does not recognize in her creature guide. Since the animal is newly hatched, she realizes it is hungry and strokes it. Hap is unwilling to share his food but Brightstar counters that the Jedi help all things including pesky creatures.

Hap is too focused on Geeli's stew and accidentally lets go of the tikotiko. Solay recaptures the critter. Hap wants to contact Muxa to remove the box of eggs but discover that all of the other eggs have hatched. They discover that the other critters have escaped into the customer area and are scaring the customers. Solay and a local boy thinks the tikotiko are cute but Hap is stressed that he cannot focus on creating his stew. Brightstar says that he and his friends will take care of the critters. Hap agrees but tells them to make it "quick and clean."


While chasing a tikotiko, Nubs accidentally slashes a Kyuzo customer with soup. Brightstar and Solay chase another rodent but it flees up a tree branch and lands in Chigg's soup. Hap apologizes to the customer and offers him more soup but he has had enough. Several disgruntled customers leave and vow not to return. Hap is distraught that the tikotiko have driven away his customers. Solay and Brightstar try to explain that the rodents are hungry but Hap fears that the creatures will exhaust his food supplies.

The tikotiko head to the marketplace, smelling the smell of food. Solay reassures Hap they will take care of the critters while he cooks the stew. Brightstar corners a tikotiko inside a stall but the creature escapes. Another critter rapids a kebab stall. Nubs catches the creature but it escapes his grasp. Another tikotiko gnaws on a metal figurine. Solay tries to stop the critter from nibbling on jewelry. Brightstar fears that the critters won’t stop until they are full and grumbles they are hard to catch. Hap is troubled that he won’t be able to cook Geeli's stew since the tikotiko ate most of the ingredients.

An unlikely solution

Haps encounters the lead tikotiko who started the trouble. He is initially grumpy with the creature but takes pity on the tikotiko and serves it stew. The other critters are drawn by the smell of the stew back to Hap's kitchen. Brightstar, Solay and Nubs follow but are relieved to see that Hap has found a way to befriend the tikotiko. Hap regrets he was unable to cook Geeli's special stew but Nubs and Brightstar remark that he has cooked something special with the stew he made for the critters. While Hap is despondent, Solay encourages him to make the best of what he has made.

Hap agrees and enlists the children's help. He gets Solay to hand him a Barkhesh beet, Brightstar to stir the Pappelroot powder, and assigns a willing Nubs with clean-up duty. The younglings help Hap prepare the stew while minding the tikotiko. Hap gives Nubs a sample of the stew to taste. Later, he feeds both the critters and the three younglings. Solay observes that the creatures are sleepy now that they have finished eating. She thinks that will given Muxa enough time to pick them up. Hap admits that the tikotiko look cute when they are not destroying his Sap Tap while Brightstar says they really loved his new recipe.

Hap hopes that Geeli likes his recipe. Shortly late, Geeli arrives, seeking Hap's Sap Tap. Hap is apologetic that his attempt to make stew failed but Geeli says he has just come to see his friend. Geeli takes an interest in his new stew and Hap invites everyone to eat. The Jedi younglings introduce themselves to the newcomer.












