B1 supervisor droid


B1 supervisor droids were a model of the B1-series line (pictured).

B1 supervisor droids were a model of the B1-series line (pictured).

The B1 supervisor droid was a model of the B1-series battle droid, and was designed to bridge the gap between the B1-series' independence from the Central Control Computers of the Lucrehulk-class Battleships and their limited tactical planning, which resulted in their inability to adapt. While not as intelligent as the tactical droid models, the B1 supervisor droid possessed greater thought capabilities, which put it among the standard the B1 units during battles, in hopes of it being able to reinterpret and adapt previous orders, resulting in the B1s being provided new directions when required.

However, the B1 supervisor's success was often limited as a result of the confusion caused by its orders, as tactical droids and similar units were not accustomed to B1s having independent thought processes. The model also proved to be too willing to override orders and often caused greater chaos, furthering the confusion of standard B1s by providing conflicting orders. Its example incited B1 units to attempt to independently predict orders, which proved disastrous, and as a result, the B1 supervisor droids were fielded when T-series military strategic analysis and tactics droids were made unavailable, but there were no plans to continue production of the model.

Armed with an E-5 blaster rifle, the B1 supervisor droid also came equipped with a mini probe. The probe provided an elevated view of the battlefield in order for the supervisor droid to relay orders to the B1 battle droids.


Sometime after the end of the Trade Federation's failed invasion of the planet Naboo, the B1 supervisor droid was created in order to bridge a gap created from the independent thought process of B1 battle droids. Although used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems around the time of the Clone Wars against the Galactic Republic, production of the B1 supervisor droid model was discontinued as a result of their ability to confuse standard B1 units during battle. Despite the cancellation of the model, however, the supervisor droid remained in service to the Confederacy, often finding usage when T-series tactical droids were unavailable.

Behind the scenes

The B1 supervisor droid was mentioned in Collapse of the Republic, a roleplaying supplementary sourcebook for the Star Wars Roleplaying series that was published by Fantasy Flight Games in 2019.


  • Collapse of the Republic
